The key issues
Lifestyle Choices - Nutrition
In 2010, the Department of Health found that retail workers (those in retail and food service) were over-represented for inadequate fruit and vegetable intake and inadequate physical activity outside of work.
This is the result of issues such as:
- Retail workplaces having limited space for lunchroom facilities and equipment such as microwaves and fridges.
- Retail workers are less likely to bring their own food and often purchase convenient options.

Did you know?
Retail workers are more likely to be eating a lower than recommended fruit and vegetable intake

The impacts include:
- Healthy lifestyle choices play an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases.
- There is particularly concern that retail workers in regional and remote communities may be at even greater risk of poor nutritional choices and related health impacts.
Barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption need to be to identified and addressed.
Retail workers need resources and education to help improve their choices.
These resources could include obesity prevention programs, nutrition standards and tips to help retail workers make more informed choices.
Retailers play a part in influencing consumer purchasing decisions via communication messages, hence educating and engaging retailer to shift choices may have a positive impact on consumers.
Australians Want Change
In 2020, the National Retail Association performed research with over 20,000 Australians to gauge public support for initiatives to improve the health and wellbeing of retail workers.
The study found that the majority of the Australian public agrees that leaders should invest in campaigns to improve the health and nutrition of retail workers.
Retail workers need more resources and education to help improve their health and nutritional choices.
The National Retail Association is championing awareness and change to address issues impacting the health & wellbeing of retail workers.
Read about the other issues:
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The National Retail Association is championing awareness and change to address issues impacting the health & wellbeing of retail workers.
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